Agbiz responds to the appointment of the Cabinet by President Cyril Ramaphosa

Published: 30/05/2019

“Agbiz has noted the appointment of the new Cabinet for the sixth Administration of democratic South Africa by President Cyril Ramaphosa today, and in general, welcomes the appointments to key ministries and congratulates the ministers on their appointment. It is, however, the reduction of 36 ministries to 28 that is especially welcomed in order to cut costs but also to ensure greater government coordination and efficiency,” Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz, said today.

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“Agbiz has noted the appointment of the new Cabinet for the sixth Administration of democratic South Africa by President Cyril Ramaphosa today, and in general, welcomes the appointments to key ministries and congratulates the ministers on their appointment. It is, however, the reduction of 36 ministries to 28 that is especially welcomed in order to cut costs but also to ensure greater government coordination and efficiency”, Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz, said today.

Agbiz specifically welcomes the amalgamation of the Ministry of Agriculture with the Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform, and with the appointment of Ms Thoko Didiza as the new Minister to lead the executive in this portfolio. Her agriculture and land reform experience and knowledge will certainly stand her in good stead, and Agbiz looks forward to again working with her to grow the sector inclusively and dynamically. There are many challenges to address.

“Maintaining ministers Tito Mboweni as Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan as Minister of State-owned Enterprises and Ebrahim Patel as Minster of Economic Development (with Trade and Industry now included) is certainly the correct decision and will ensure continuity, and bring stability and confidence to the markets. Agbiz looks forward to working closely with these ministries”, said Dr Purchase.

“President Ramaphosa’s focus and emphasis on accelerated inclusive economic growth and improved service delivery is strongly welcomed and he correctly indicated that never before has there been as much expectation by all South Africans of government to deliver on inclusive economic growth and employment. Agbiz will continue to work constructively with government, but will also hold ministers accountable where government failures put our country at further risk”, Dr John Purchase concluded.

Dr John Purchase
CEO: Agbiz
082-441 2308