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Request for expression of interest (REI) to supply farmers with production inputs

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is requesting wholesalers/ distributors/ agribusiness outlets to express interest to supply farmers with production inputs. The process is aimed at making supply arrangements with interested wholesalers/ distributers/ agribusiness outlets, for the emergency procurement of specific agricultural production inputs, to enable the smallholder and communal farmers to complete the current production cycle. The department intends to procure by means of issuing purchase vouchers to approved farmers. Farmers will purchase from the wholesaler/ distributor/ agribusiness outlet nearest to the farmer. - Media statement issued by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 21 April 2020

Published: 19/08/2020


Urgent call for businesses to divert PPE inventories to national healthcare sector

Business for SA’s Public Health Workgroup is calling on all companies, especially those in lockdown, to urgently divert their stocks of personal protective equipment (PPE) for use in the national healthcare sector. The PPE is critically needed to protect frontline doctors and healthcare workers, and to keep them healthy in their fight against the pandemic. - Media statement from Business for South Africa Public Health Workgroup issued on 30 March 2020

Published: 31/03/2020


What COVID-19 means for South Africa’s agriculture and food supplies

The COVID-19 pandemic is fast changing the way we live our lives, without exception. The virus has affected every facet of life – health and safety, travel, school and work, and access to basic provisions, such as food. Many supermarkets are in a frenzy as people scramble to secure basic needs amidst impending uncertainty. In this note, we attempt to understand the impact of the COVID-19 on South Africa’s agricultural sector and also food supplies. We offer perspectives on perceived food shortage, agricultural commodities price dynamics, farmers indebtedness and policies that can be implemented. - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz chief economist

Published: 23/03/2020


SA tractor sales remained subdued in February 2020

After falling to the lowest monthly level in six years in January 2020, South Africa’s tractor sales recovered by 46% m/m in February 2020 to 485 units. While encouraging, this is still 8% lower than the corresponding period in 2019. - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz chief economist

Published: 09/03/2020


SA farm economy to recover in 2020

South Africa’s farming economy was not in good shape in 2019. This is clear from the agricultural GDP data released this morning by Statistics South Africa. The data show a 6.9% year-on-year contraction for 2019, which is a second consecutive year of contraction in South Africa’s farm economy. While worse than our initial expectations of a 4.0% y/y contraction, this is unsurprising. The output of various crops and horticulture produce declined notably in 2019 because of the drought, while the livestock was negatively affected by the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak. - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz chief economist

Published: 04/03/2020


South Africa’s food price inflation to remain subdued in 2020

South Africa’s food prices increased at a relatively slower pace in January 2020 compared to December 2019. The data released this morning by Statistics South Africa shows that the country’s food price inflation was at 3.7% y/y in January 2020, while the previous month was 3.8% y/y. This deceleration, however, was not across the food basket. Only price inflation of bread and cereals; fish; and vegetables decelerated. But this was enough to overshadow the increases in meat; milk, eggs and cheese; oil and fats; fruit; sugar, sweets and desserts. - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz chief economist

Published: 19/02/2020


Rainfall across SA gets summer crops off to a good start

My last column two weeks ago painted a bleak picture of SA’s 2019/2020 agricultural outlook, highlighting prospects of drought in some regions of the country. Lately, conditions have improved notably, and farmers managed to plant the area they intended.- Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz chief economist *Written for and first published in Business Day

Published: 05/02/2020


Zimbabwe’s decision to lift a ban on GM maize imports could benefit SA in the near term

For years Zimbabwe has maintained a ban on the importation or growing of genetically modified (GM) maize. While the policy disadvantaged farmers who couldn’t produce higher yields from GM seeds as neighbouring South Africa, it also provided protection through phyto-sanitary barriers that protected the country’s non-GM maize producers. The policy also disadvantaged consumers who were compelled to purchase higher-priced maize and its products, which would have been relatively cheaper if the country produced higher volumes from GM seed. -Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz chief economist

Published: 03/02/2020


Agbiz represented on the International Bar Association's Agricultural Law Section

In September 2019, Agbiz head of Legal Intelligence, Theo Boshoff, was granted the opportunity to present on climate change, Africa and the role of agricultural law at the International Bar Association (IBA)'s annual conference in Seoul, South Korea. Following this conference, the IBA has confirmed that Theo will serve a two-year term ending in December 2021 on the Legal Practice Division's Agricultural Law Section.

Published: 31/01/2020


There’s optimism about SA’s 2019/20 summer crop season

While South Africa’s 2019/20 summer crop production season started on a negative footing with delayed rainfall across the country, farmers managed to plant the area they intended. This was confirmed by the preliminary plantings data released this afternoon by South Africa’s Crop Estimate Committee (CEC) which shows South Africa’s 2019/20 summer crop area at 3.97 million hectares. This is up 1% and 8% from the intentions to plant data released in October 2019 and area planted in 2018/19 season, respectively. There is an improvement in area plantings of all crops with the exception of sorghum and dry beans whose area planting fell by 28% y/y and 13% y/y, respectively. - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz chief economist

Published: 31/01/2020
