South Africa’s winter crop season to start soon

South Africa’s winter crop season to start soon

South Africa had a fairly good production season in 2021/22 with wheat at 2,3 million tonnes, which is the largest harvest in 20 years and record yield in some crops such as canola and oats. The large.....

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Definition of expropriation – a risk that should not be ignored

Definition of expropriation – a risk that should not be ignored

The Expropriation Bill is currently before the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure. The portfolio committee started discussing the Bill clause by clause on 10 March. What was surpri.....

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Expropriation Bill: status report

Expropriation Bill: status report

The current version of the Expropriation Bill (B23/2020) was tabled in Parliament on 15 October 2020. That follows unsuccessful attempts to come up with a new expropriation act in 2008 and 2013. The f.....

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Just and equitable compensation: the latest on the approach of the courts

Just and equitable compensation: the latest on the approach of the courts

The debate regarding compensation for land taken for land reform purposes has been raging ever since the CODESA negotiations and the initial formulation of section 25 of the Constitution. Over the .....

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Reflections on global grains and oilseeds market

Reflections on global grains and oilseeds market

The weather has been topical across the Southern Hemisphere because of the La Niña event. We have generally battled with excessive moisture within the Southern Africa region, while South America ha.....

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Implications of a failing state

Implications of a failing state

The United States think tank Fund for Peace annually compiles a fragile states index consisting of states whose governments are so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control over much of.....

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Eastern Cape agricultural conditions are not as favourable as in most of South Africa

Eastern Cape agricultural conditions are not as favourable as in most of South Africa

South Africa's summer crop growing regions have received excessive rains since the start of the season in October 2021, except for a few regions of one province, the Eastern Cape. This province's sout.....

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Reflections on land donation and beneficiary selection

Reflections on land donation and beneficiary selection

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) published a beneficiary selection and land allocation policy in 2020. The policy aims to ensure household food security and fo.....

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Is a Land Redistribution Bill on the cards for South Africa?

Is a Land Redistribution Bill on the cards for South Africa?

At a recent media conference, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Ronald Lamola indicated that a Land Redistribution Bill was on the cards for South Africa. The High-Level Panel on the As.....

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SA could have the largest wheat harvest since 2002

SA could have the largest wheat harvest since 2002

Last week, the Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) released its sixth production forecast for 2021/22 winter crops. There were notable changes from the previous update of the end of December 2021, with .....

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